Shaping Your Company's Culture

What culture does your company have? What values and character does your employee exhibit, and how does it affect your company's identity?
Your company's culture is built based on the dynamic interweaving of the relationship between the employer and the employee. It shapes and manifests that unique corporate culture, ultimately becoming the company's identity and hallmark.
What is the value of having a company culture?
Shaping a company's culture is about intangible and invaluable first principles operating in a dynamic (free) system. A culture evolves within a hierarchy of value(s) in an ecosystem of fully enlightened and empowered actors. This ecosystem is a symbiosis of the unique parts complimenting and supporting the structure instantiated in that dynamic.
Each person's structure points to a unique need that longs for an external structure to which the future self is further molded and shaped. More locally, the Christian moral life parallels the longing to "become loving persons in the fullness of life-with-others-in-community" (CFC, #682, page 189).
What you'll get
- Certificate of Participation
- Exclusive access to learning materials
- Exclusive access to assignments, activities, and forums
- Course Assessments
At the end of course, you will be able to
- Identify the three core values in developing a company's culture;
- Acknowledge how human resource adds and compliments to the group's target in time and space;
- Practice managing time by discerning what is important and paying attention to how that value is created which becomes a personal goal/target by keeping it relevant through vigilance.
- Develop responsibility and accountability by actively adjusting one's goal to ensure it fits and measures up with the group's target.
- Understand People Philosophy as a combined time and space dimension from the perspective of the group (the organization)
Who should take this course
- Employee/Professionals
- Company Managers
- HR Managers
- Industry Leaders
Lead Employee Engagement Development Officer (LEEDO)
KKC Services, Inc.
Lal Lejano is a versatile learner. Naturally exploratory and creative, he has had to tone down his personality—having lived in the USA for close to three decades—so as to better listen and understand his team as Lead Employee Engagement Officer. This is a task he acquired only last year in September.
He started with KKC Services in 2019. KKC is the umbrella company of a couple of well-established businesses in the country. The most known division is the USA-Affiliated Rainbow vacuum cleaners; the other is Roto-Rooter Philippines. KKC recently expanded nationally with offices in Cebu and Bacolod. Plans to re-open soon at the Davao office are also under consideration. KKC has begun a pilot company dedicated to residential needs called Cleaning Masters (aka Dream Hygiene).
His recent interests include completing an online course called Discovering Personality given by the critically acclaimed Canadian psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson; Lal has also completed the biblical series on the Old Testament plus 80+ hours of varied podcasts by the same and his guests. He just finished reading Beyond Order which came out in 2021. Is Lal a fan? Could be.Lal is an advocate of affordable and accessible housing and character formation. He completed his bachelor’s degree in liberal arts with Rhetoric from the University of California in Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (USA). After 32 years out of the country, he has returned for good and, now more than ever, on fire to serve his motherland and her mamamayan.
Chief Operating Officer
KKC Services, Inc.
Bonifacio "Boni" D. Belen is a professional manager with a Political Science, Education, and Business Economics background.
He currently works as Chief Operating Officer of KKC Services, Inc. -- the exclusive distributor of Rainbow Cleaning System, Thermostar, and Roto-Rooter Plumbing and Drain Cleaning Services in the Philippines.
A generalist with an expansive systems and processes orientation, Mr. Belen's career spans 40 years of professional involvement in the academe, government, NGO, and an array of industries -- from furniture export, ICT, industrial estate, marketing to property management, consultancy, and services, over the years principally holding senior management roles and responsibilities.
Boni is happily married to Alice A. Belen. They have three children, Maria Guadalupe, 27, Jose Mariano, 25, and Vince Josef, 12.