Character Matters Webinar Series


CATEGORY Learning Bundles

This bundle includes:

The introduction aims to make the teacher realize the nobility of the teaching profession, and the urgency of character formation, considering the technocentric/digital lifestyles of the young students. Once these principles are established, the teacher is then given concrete strategies and practical methods to use inside the classroom (or online) to form character, develop virtues, and foster the students' values. Ultimately, these strategies will help the students develop a certain mindset, culture, and identity perfectly consistent with whatever the school's core values are.

This course is designed to equip teachers with tried-and-tested strategies, especially from Dr. Harry K. Wong (author of the best-selling book, "FIRST DAYS OF SCHOOL", on how to effectively manage a class so that the teacher will not have to resort to shouting, screaming and yelling - - some of the major obstacles for teachers to effectively do character formation inside the classroom.

Technology is here to stay. There’s just no way of preventing it from shaping the mindset and attitude of young people, who are correctly described as digital natives. As teachers, our job is to make sure that these young people entrusted to our care become responsible users of technology, always in control, and strong in upholding their values in the wired world. This Course aims to equip classroom teachers with concrete strategies to develop three essential virtues to help young people navigate this connected world.

Technology is here to stay. There’s just no way of preventing it from shaping the mindset and attitude of young people, who are correctly described as digital natives. As teachers, our job is to make sure that these young people entrusted to our care become responsible users of technology, always in control, and strong in upholding their values in the wired world. This Course aims to equip classroom teachers with concrete strategies to develop three essential virtues to help young people navigate this connected world.